Friday, November 19, 2010

Enlace Video!

service | learning | fun :: faith | leadership | global awareness

Enlace 2011 applications are now available here!  Tell your friends.

But first, check out this video.

The Enlace program is about providing 16-19 year olds with the opportunity to grow in faith as global Christians by living in community and working alongside Guatemalan partners.

Enlace's Goals

  • encourage faith formation
  • engage in cross-cultural learning
  • foster global awareness and an ethic of service
  • develop transformative relationships & leadership skills

Enlace alumniiiii!   Where you at?  Let us know what you think of the program.  Share some stories and comments for those who are interested in going this coming summer.


  1. I just came back from this trip this summer and I have nothing but good things to say about it! There is something for everyone in this experience, whether your passion is politics, language, food, culture, kids, spirituality, dance, or sports there is always a place for you to share your gifts and learn new things. Expect to be challenged and changed. There are very few programs like Enlace that really encourage learning rather than doing. If you are trying to figure out how your life fits into a worldwide narrative, I strongly suggest you consider being part of the Enlace team!

  2. Enlace's goals were met for me. 5 years later I realize what a formative experience this learning and service tour was. I took a development course in University a couple years ago and I learned as much by being in Guatemala (or more)than I did in class, in terms of reality and relationships and healthy development for justice and peace. Our group was like a family and we grew so much together. Thanks Enlace!

  3. Being apart of the Enlace team this past Summer was a great experience. I think this video really captures the essence of what Enlace is all about. I hope young people really consider being apart of this program in the coming years. It will change your worldview and make you look at things in a whole new light.

  4. Hannah, Rebecca, and Jenny,

    Thanks for your comments. Well said, each of you. MCC is lucky to have had you all involved in this program. I know that each of you have been shaped though this program, but know that you have also left your mark. Enlace would be nothing without solid participants and leaders.

    Be sure to let people know that we are accepting applications for this coming year!!!

  5. This video brought back so many great memories! I participated in enlace a few years ago in the transition between high school and university and found it a valuable and shaping time! We heard incredible stories of hope, and through living with host families in remote communities, were able to share everyday life and practice simply ‘being’ – something that seems hard to do in our society! Seeing the way MCC walks alongside brothers and sisters in another country was encouraging and inspired me to be open for opportunities to love and serve the people around me back here in Canada. It was also a unique opportunity to explore a beautiful country and learn and grow with others in a similar stage of life!

  6. Thanks Danielle! Ya, 'being' is something we are not always good at here. I am glad to hear that you still look back at your time in Guatemala as something that has shaped you in positive ways. Learning to love and serve is invaluable!

  7. Enlace is a "fantabulous" program if you haven't already heard this from the past comments. There were many opportunities to serve and to become educated. And that made the trip so exciting and stretching. We got to see and experience things that we as a first world society usually turn a blind eye to. When your actually in a setting like this there's so much more feeling to life. Weather it was a good or painful feeling, I don't think it matters. I think it's how you embrace these feelings, where you go, what you do and ultimatly who you are that changes you and makes you grow. I loved going from this experience feeling connected. I think all those wonderful people, living in painful settings are sometimes miles ahead of me. Because they truly know who loves and cares for them when their living in a painful world.

  8. Oh my goodness. Definitely good memories were brought back. The thing that I love most about cross-cultural trips are just how much the DO change you. At the time you go through so many emotions and experiences you think you've learned so much, but its so neat when year later you are still learning things from the trip! I think the balance between serving and learning was really great, and the small group size. I would love to have a reunion!

  9. Brendon,

    Interesting reflection on feeling life. I would agree that at times I can wiz through life without really feeling. Maybe this relates to what Danielle was saying about the importance of 'being.'

  10. Allison, I would be up to help organize a reunion for Enlace Alumni... wanna help? If anyone else is interested please fire me an email. I would prefer to have a couple people involved to throw some ideas around as to how.when.where etc...

    Great idea.

  11. The Enlace trip has changed my life. The way I view the world, the choices I make, my appreciation of what I have and what I want to do. Guatemala has fostered a growing passion for service in me and taught me that I have the power to change things especially through community. The sense of community you encounter on this trip, both within your group and especially among the Guatemalan people, is overwhelming! I would LOVE to help plan a reunion, I miss my G-mala buddiesxoxo
